A Picture Memory
Santa Delivered

My Favorite Things.....

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Love, Ethan
Merry Christmas!!!
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!!! I'm looking forward to the season this year. I'm understanding more and more about how Christmas came about. Although I enjoy recieving gifts, my parents have talked a lot this year about givingto others who may not be as fortunate as we are. I've helped picked out presents for our family members on my own and for a needy family. Each year we adopt a family through my mom's work and buy gifts for them - so that they can have a nice Christmas like we are blessed to have each year. This year it was a single mom with a 3 year old boy and I gave several toys and some clothes of mine. At first I was hestitant to "share" my toys, but last night I surprised both my mom and dad. I have two of the exact same robots that I recieved for my birthday. And although I play with them both, last night I (totally on my own - out of the blue) told my parents that I only needed one robot and I wanted to give the other to a little boy who doesn't have a robot. "That would make him happy."
Needless to say my mom and dad were surprised, but extremely proud. I may be 3 1/2, but it's never to early to start instilling the value of giving. Of course I got a lot of praise for my willingness to share and mom said that made her Christmas this year.
As you will see in the picture, I have my own little tree in my room. I help decorate it ever year and we have a couple family Christmas traditions:
1) We always open presents on Christmas morning at our house. I have one big unopened gift that comes from Santa and is sitting out when I wake up. Then we go to my Grandma and Grandpa Vote's or My Aunt Lynn & Uncle Steve's and just enjoy the day with all of them.
2) Every year I get a new pair of pajama's that I open on Christmas Eve (after midnigt mass). I wear these to bed that night and then I have them on Christmas morning and look extra cute :)
3) Since I have my own tree, I pick out an ornament every year that represents "me". So it's something that I have interest in. For instance my first Christmas I was only 5 months old, so Mom & Dad choose a Firetruck because my room was decorated in cars, trucks, & airplanes. My second Christmas ornament was a duck with googles and flippers, because I had been taking swim classess (with Mom & Dad) and LOVED water!!! Last year I helped decide on an Elmo ornament because I enjoyed Sesame Street. This year I choose on my own - and I picked out a Scooby Do ornament, because I've discovered that tv cartoon and it was one of Dad's favorite's as a kid, so we watch it together (plus I like dogs). So every Christmas this is a tradition for us. That's our family traditions this time of year. I hope we have many Christmas seasons to come and enjoy these things. Usually we travel north and spend New Years with my dad's side of the family (my other grandparents/family), but this year we are staying home because mom just had surgery again and needs to take it easy. Hopefully we'll see them soon, because I miss seeing them and enjoy seeing them.
Merry Christmas!!! More pictures to come later.
Love, Ethan
Turkey Day was great here! We did a lot of fun things. I had a special Thanksgiving lunch at school and mom came to eat with me. I also made a cool hat with special feathers and wore it all week at home. We put up our Christmas tree in the living room over the weekend and we also put my little tree up in my room. I helped put the decorations up "all by myself." I'll get pictures up soon. As for Turkey Day - Dad was in charge of cooking the turkey this year for our family dinner. He prepared by spending a lot of time getting this bird ready. Mom thought he was crazy to "marinate" a turkey, because she said he'd end up frying off all the seasoning or catch something on fire (which he didn't).
Dad was a little disappointed that the turkey ended up a little more "done" than he wanted, despite following the directions as to how long to fry it. He thought he'd ruined it, but it turned out to be very good. Everyone loved it! Even though it was a little crispy on the outside, it was very juicy on the inside. I think he's started a new family tradition for Thanksgiving - which probably means we'll be in charge of the turkey every year now - mom will love that.By the way, I did help Dad in the kitchen. Everytime he wasn't looking I was touching the bird because it was wierd. Dad kept making me wash my hands everytime I touched it. I didn't understand because I can touch it when I eat at the dinner table....he tried to explain.
And someone gave us free tickets to the circus, so mom and MaMa took me. I got to ride a pony! It was a lot of fun going with them and eating popcorn. We watched animals and clowns run around. I hope we can go again next year.
Future IU Basketball Player
As many of you know, I recently played soccer at the Y. Now the season has changed to basketball and I think I may have found my calling. Granted, I'm not really very good. But the key to my success is that I ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION!
My parents are shocked. Two classes (practices) in a row I've listened. I've done what my coaches ask. I've actually went up and down the court during drills instead of sitting on the floor, laying on the floor or licking the floor. (For a while they thought the Y was paying me to clean.) If only my Grandma Pierce could see me now....she'd be so proud of my skills.
Maybe it's because I like this sport. Something about bouncing a ball and making noise while I can run around chasing people excites me. I'm not great, but darn it I try.
Mom says I'd make a good future IU basketball player, because they don't know what they're doing either. But darn it they try.
Happy (Late) Halloween!
Sorry this is so late. My mom and dad have been really lazy....just kidding. We were out of town visiting my family in Warsaw over Halloween weekend. I got a lot of pumpkins & candy and didn't even have to put on a costume there :) I trick-or-treated around the neighborhood the other night. I get to wear my Clifford costume again in a couple weeks. My neighbor Jakey is having a birthday party and asking kids to wear the costumes again.
FYI - I wanted to let you know that Orange passed away. Yes, again. So now I just have my Black fish. Mom says no more. Wonder what pet we can get next? We've been through a dog and 7 fish......
Orange & Black Are Back.....
Mom took me to the pet store Friday night and I picked out two more fish. One is orange and one is black. That's there names too. They've made it all weekend and have been in the tank still swimming when I wake up. We'll see how long they last (for those keeping score at home this is really Ralph 6 & Ralph 7).
This weekend we went to New Harmony State Park. Mama and Papa Vote were camping there in the woods. They had a fire and everything! I even got to put on my Halloween costume (Clifford) and walk around trick-or-treating. I'll put a picture up of my costume after Halloween next week - the suspense.....
No More Ralph's
Mom says there will be no more Ralph's. Mom found #5 floating on top of the tank this morning and blamed it on Dad again. He left all the window's open last night and we woke up freezing this morning! Mom says IF there are any more fish entering this house, they will not be named Ralph. That name hasn't brought good luck to us.
We spent the day at the river front. I played at the park and then we walked along the river watching boats. Although dAD had to carry ME most of the way back. The weather was beautiful.
This T-Shirt Says It All
What Every Kid Should Have
Ralph - The Never Ending Goldfish....
When we came home tonight, we discovered that Ralph 2 had went to sleep (again). See Ralph originally started last week as a prize from the Fall Festival. He died two days later. Nate purchased a second and third Ralph over the weekend. Against my instructions, Nate put tap water in the tank. All three times.
Sugar Mama (Grandma Vote) bought two more fish on Monday, which Ethan named Ralph and Ralph 2 (which technically are Ralph 4 & 5). Well Ralph 2 didn’t make it today. So we’re back to just Ralph (who’s really Ralph 5).
Confused yet?
Sugar Mama
Last night my Grandma & Grandpa Vote & Uncle Layne (known to me as "Dude") came to watch me play soccer. Something I started doing weeks ago at the Y. It's a class for 3-5 year olds and we learn about the game, practice skills of kicking, and talk about being good sports - meaning that when the mean kid trips me, he should say sorry afterwards.
Anyways, before we left the house I called my Grandma "Sugar Mama." It took them a while to figure out where I learned that at...then the light came on. My mom called Grandma that one day when she was giving/buying me something (which happens often). So that is her new name.
Now back to soccer - I've got skills. I just choose not to use them. It's an hour long class and after a while I get tired of listening to instructions on how to kick a round ball. So I do my own thing. That's right I'm the kid who's rolling on the floor, throwing the ball up in the air, generally not paying much attention. Mom finds it funny. Dad thinks it's a sign I'm going to be riding the short bus to school one day.
Next week is the last soccer practice, then for the next 6 weeks it's basketball....how confusing to spend 6 weeks telling me not to touch the ball with my hands, only my feet....then telling me to dribble with my hands. How well do you think this is going to go over with 3-5 year olds? I imagine the first class will be spent by our coaches saying "Use your hands to dribble. Don't kick the ball." Who scheduled those sports back-to-back?