A Little Shopping & A Little Wrapping

Early Christmas Gift
Ethan brought home an early Christmas gift for Nate & I from school. He made a nativity set out of a shoe box. It's too cute and it's even more special to hear him talk about baby Jesus and his parents, Mary & Joseph. (By the way, you can't see it in the picture but baby Jesus is a peanut!). It is certainly my NEW favorite Christmas decoration!

I have been VERY good this year. I want a big pirate ship and some monster trucks for Christmas. Mom says we will leave the door unlocked for you, since you can't come down our chimney. Please bring your reindeer to my house. They can play in our backyard.
Love, Ethan
While most people might think Thanksgiving is celebrated with turkey, this year we traveled to see Dad's family in Warsaw and celebrated by having Christmas. Who would turn down opening gifts a month early? Not me. So it was a double holiday.

Mom & Grandma ended up buying each the exact same book, which was too funny. They should start a book club. She also got a really neat glass vase from a unique cut glass company in Warsaw.
**Merry Christmas & Thanks For Everything!!**

The Big Question......

I knew it would come one day, just not at age 4. This was our conversation:
Ethan: Mom, how will Ho Ho get in our house?
Me: Well, Ho Ho has a lot of special powers and...
Ethan: No Mom, he's not special. Christian (from school) says he comes in our "chimmy". But the TV is covering it so how will he get in?
{side note - our TV is on a stand and sits up on the ledge of our fireplace and covers all of it but the mantle}
Me: Well, like I was saying Ho Ho is magic and...
Ethan: No Mom, he's not magic. Ho Ho has to land on the roof and come down the hole.
Me: How about we just leave a door unlocked?
Ethan: Ok.
WOW. At least I didn't have to explain whether or not he was real.
Happy Turkey Day (early)!
Fall Leaves

This afternoon I helped Dad with the leaves in our yard. Mom says the neighbors love Dad because of his unique "leaf raking" strategy. While others spend a lot of time mulching and bagging, Dad takes another approach.

I promise in 6 months to take a camera to Ethan's 2nd dentist appointment, only to prove the following is true. Yesterday was Ethan's first visit. On the recommendation of his pediatrician, we opted for a specialized pediatric dentist office that caters to children. I thought it might help ease any fears. It did that and more.
Upon entering this Disneyland office, you'll find a glass enclosed toy room, visible for parents to watch their kids play while waiting, only they did it quietly. It was sound-proof! Wow! The chairs in the waiting room were reclining, which I admit was nice considering I sat out there for 2 1/2 hours. Flat screen t.v.'s with video games hooked up for kids to play was the icing.
We were given a tour of the office, including the luxurious patient rooms with individual flat screen t.v.'s & headphones for each child. There are plush consultation rooms for after the exam & cleaning is completed, where the dentist will meet with the parents. Looking past all that, was a basketball court, where kids shoot baskets with the dentist and win prizes. For the record he watched The Incredibles.
Ethan had absolutely no problem telling me to wait in the waiting room. I was a little surprised, but not after seeing the set-up. Who wouldn't? No fear here. He came to the consultation room with his new dentist carrying a ball and a balloon. Whatever happened to just getting a new standard toothbrush?
Good news is he is brushing well and his teeth look good. Six months from now, we'll do it all again. I'm even thinking of asking if they will accept a 29 year old patient.
It's great to be a pirate.
And live a life of pleasure.
We fight with swords &
Swing from ropes.
And hunt for buried treasure.
We make our prisoners walk the plank.
Sharks love us when we feed `em.
We wear those patches on our eyes.
When we don't even need `em.
Meet a Dude

Every wonder what squirrels eat? I can tell you. Just take a look at my pumpkins. Although I couldn't get Dad to take a picture quick enough of the squirrel actually feasting on our porch, the pictures prove it. They didn't just eat away at the pumpkin that wasn't even carved...those furry little animals took off with the lid to the one I carved with Grandma Anita! How in the world did they carry that? There had to have been dozens of them.

Just to prove that squirrels do eat pumpkin (for those non-believers out there), Mom found this picture on the internet.
A Visit From Grandma Anita

I always love to have family come visit & stay with us, especially when it involves really fun activities. Grandma Anita got to come down for several days & see us. We did a lot of cool things, but my favorite two included "halloween." I helped make cupcakes and we decorated them with halloween sprinkles! Then we ate them (all). We also decorated a pumpkin with these new light bright type things. I put a really cool bat on mine and then you put this battery-operated flash-light inside and it's really cool.

To celebrate the end of the letter E we had an "elegant party" at school this morning. Everyone dressed up (fancy) and we had made hats the day before to wear. We also helped make a special snack and decorate the tables for our party. There was music and I had a dance partner (a girl!).
Did you know....? Why?


This past weekend I spent several days helping Dad outside in our garage. There was a lot of work to do out there. After cleaning it out, we had to go get wood & screws. Then the real work started. Dad has built a workbench, storage & shelves in the back of our garage. He did most of the hard stuff. I just handed him things when he needed them. By Sunday evening we were both exhausted. It's a rare moment for me to actually lay down and relax with someone, but Dad & I were exhausted!
Welcome To T-Ball