
Lights, Camera...Action!

Among the many, many things Ethan got for Christmas was a Fischer Price digital camera for kids - from Aunt Lynn & Uncle Steve. Being in our house the last few days has felt like having the paparazzi flashing your picture every time you turn around. So there will be many pictures to share in the future that he has taken. Here are a few from the last couple of days:

Yes, that last picture is of me at the doctor's office. Ethan thought it would be fun to document them taking out my stitches.


Christmas 2007 @ Home

Santa Was Good!

More pictures to come. Stay tuned!


Merry Christmas from The Snipes!


Elf Yourself

(Click on the picture to see these dancing fools!)


Deep Thoughts by Ethan

Over the past week, Ethan has made a few comments that have kept us laughing. I thought I'd share them with you.

  • After coming out of Sam's Club and walking past the man ringing the Salvation Army bell (with the red bucket), Ethan and I headed to the car.
He says, "You know what the most boring job in the world is?"
"No, what?"
"Ringing that bell all day and night. Now that's boring!"

  • We had company over and Parker was in her cage in the kitchen whining and barking. Ethan walked in their and said, "Use some self-control Parker!"
  • We served Ethan peas and carrots mixed together at dinner the other night and although he likes both of those vegetables, he does not like them together.
He told us, "God did not create these vegetables to be together. You are going to make him angry feeding them to me like this."


Christmas Program 2007

Ethan is in the top row, far left with the green present on his head. The video sounds like a lot of yelling! Sorry!


School Christmas Program

Ethan's pre-k class had their Christmas program tonight - Good King Wenceslas. His class sang "God Sent His Only Son," "Good News People" and "It Is More Blessed To Give."


Breakfast with Santa

This morning we had breakfast at church where I go to school with Santa. I took the list I made by cutting pictures out of catalogs with me. I figured Santa would rather see pictures of the Transformers and Star Wars Lego's I'm hoping to get.

Papa Kelly and Mama Terry went with us to eat.
And of course Mom and Dad too.



We went out to eat breakfast early this morning at Cracker Barrel while the crazy people shopped. Ethan was playing with the little wooden game on the table (with golf tees) when I went to tickle his neck. He reacted by slamming his face straight down onto one of the golf tees that was sticking out of the triangle.
Screaming ensued. I thought for sure he'd hit his eye, but thankfully it was only his cheek. There was blood of course and a lot of tears from both of us. I felt so bad that I had to go buy him a sucker he'd asked for while we were waiting for our table and we'd said no.


Happy Thanksgiving


King of the Rings

Ethan was asked to be in Juli's wedding up in Warsaw this past weekend as a ring bearer. As you can tell from the pictures he took this job very seriously! He practiced being a statue all last week and when the time came, we were just thankful he didn't pick his nose (new bad habit!).


Say A Little Prayer

Hopefully Ethan is praying for some guidance. He's had a rough week of acting out at home and school. We're praying it's just a stage.


Our Walk In The Woods

Florida Vacation


A Good Day

Today has been what I call a good day. First, we got to sleep later because of the time change. Then, we went to church. We came home and packed a picnic lunch and went to a local park to eat and walk in the woods.

Now I'm relaxing with Dad eating some popcorn.

Watching the Colts.

While they eat Dad's famous chili.
A great day!



Ethan (aka "Bones")


Florida Doesn't Have Tractors

You don't have to be on the beach to play in the sand. Ethan mentioned to us this afternoon that, "We couldn't move to Florida because they didn't have any tractors on the beach there."

Good point.


Meet Hermie

I bet you all wonder what the tooth fairy left me for my front tooth. Well I actually got really lucky. There was a table of older women eating right behind us that night and they thought I was so cute they gave me $6!

Can you believe that? I'm now getting paid to smile :)

The tooth fairy left me $5 for my first tooth and 5 + 6 = 11. So how did I spend my $11?

Meet Hermie the Hermit Crab. My new pet.
Dad is surprised he's still alive after the ride from Florida to Indiana. But Hermie made it! Last week was letter "H" week at school, so I took Hermie for show & tell.

I haven't introduced Hermie to Parker yet...I'm not sure they'll be best buddies.


Tooth Fairy Is On Her Way...

Well it happened tonight. Ethan finally lost his tooth at dinner this evening as he was eating corn on the cob. Laban noticed a little blood on the corn & then we found the tooth sitting on his lap!

Here is a before picture from this morning on the beach:

Here is an after picture from dinner:


New Orleans

Live from the city of New Orleans:

We all loved the aquarium yesterday. It was very interactive and kid friendly. Ethan is excited to tell you about the shark he touched! We did a lot of walking along the riverfront and through the French Quarter. Needless to say we were in bed & asleep by 8 p.m. Next stop - Florida!