My school had a Pre-K graduation ceremony called "Fruit of the Spirit" at church. Most of my class will go to Kindergarten next year, but a few of my friends will go another year to Pre-K because our birthdays are late in the summer.
Our class practiced A LOT and learned the songs to sing. We did pretty good too!
The last few weeks of Pre-K, Ethan's class has been about learning about the "Fruits of the Spirit." It is their theme for the graduation ceremony this week. {The whole class participates in the graduation program, but we have decided that Ethan will return for another year of Pre-K at Holy Spirit and attend Kindergarten in the Fall of 2008. His birthday is about 8 days before the cut-off.}
If you ask Ethan to tell you what the "fruits" are he has them perfectly memorized: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS & SELF-CONTROL.
Last week we were all in a rush to get ready one morning and Ethan choose the wrong morning to be difficult (in that he wasn't listening, following directions & in general being mischievous). He sat in time-out off & on (although when you are running late, time-out isn't exactly helpful!).
During the car ride to school I spoke with him about the things he did well that morning (like brushing his teeth by himself, cleaning up his breakfast, helping me put Parker in her cage, etc...). We also discussed how he could have been a better listener.
Ethan was explaining to me that he talks to Jesus and prays for help. He's rambling on and on about when and where he can pray. Then he remembers something Nate told him that morning: "Maybe you should pray to Jesus and ask him to give you more self-control!"
I look in the mirror and see Ethan with his hands folded, head down, praying:
Last weekend we went to The Children's Museum with Mama Terry, Papa Kelly & Maddie and Tyler. I had been there on a school field trip before, but this was the first time Mom and everyone else had been. My favorite part was the water room! I'm going to a special (1 week) camp there this summer for kids my age about creatures!