Playing Goalie
Fall Soccer
Ethan played soccer this fall on a local team for Kindergarten through 2nd graders. He was the tallest kid on the team and the only Kindergarten aged player. So I think they expected him to have more skills then he really had. Plus, this was his first year to play this sport.
He did pretty well once he caught on to the rules and how exactly soccer is played. Sure there was the occasional kick the in the wrong direction and yes, he did enjoy chatting with the opposing team out on the field, but overall he had fun and that is what matters.
What's funny is that he is a really good kicker and runs around our yard with the neighbors kicking the soccer ball all day long. But once he's out on the field he's like a limp noodle with no energy! He says he doesn't like everyone yelling and carrying on along the sidelines. (I can't say that I blame him!)
Meet The Neighbors

First Day of Kindergarten

St. Louis Trip

Kentucky Lake

Daddy's 31st Birthday!
The Clubhouse
Pre-K Graduation
Our New House
It all started back in March. When Mom got better after the infection, Dad says she got the "itch" to start house hunting. This of course was before they were ready to put our house up for sale.So they drug me to a lot of houses and after one failed attempt (a nice house with not enough storage) they found what they were looking for. Only problem was the location. Not exactly in the area they were looking, but close.
After a lot of talking they decided it would be a good place for us and for me to go to school. It's a small community of about 1,300 right outside of Evansville. The house has a huge yard and is on rock road out in the country. But there are several houses on our street - all families with young kids. So I will have plenty of people to get in trouble with.
It is about a 15 minute drive to work for Dad and about 30 minutes for Mom. It is your basic ranch with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms on the first floor. There is a full basement with a full bathroom that we will finish out. There is a window (for fire escape) and that can be made into a 4th bedroom. We'll also make another family room down there.
But it has the top 4 things Mom insisted on - 2 bathrooms, laundry room upstairs, dishwasher and attached garage! Plus a large dettached garage.
We decided to paint and re-do a lot of the flooring before we move in, so most of our weekends and weeknights have been spent working on the new house and praying our old house sells quickly!
Easter 2008
Finally, Some Snow!