Mom decided this weekend was a good time to plant flowers and work on our landscaping (which is a big word for the stuff in front of our house). I got to plant my own little flower in a blue pot. It's going to be my responsibility to water it and take care of it. (Hopefully I remember.)
Just in case you don't know how to plant a flower, I'll lay it all out for you:
Just in case you don't know how to plant a flower, I'll lay it all out for you:
First, be very stubborn about using your own big shovel that won't even fit in the flower pot (instead of Mom's little one).
Second, try and fill the pot halfway with dirt without spilling it all over the driveway.
Third, you want to dump the flower in the pot by holding it upside down and yelling "Come out little flower!" ~ because that will make it come out faster.

Next, dig deep into the bag and find some more dirt to put on top. Pat it down with your hands.

Finally, when you're all done you can get into the water hose and wash your hands, then water your plant, and then spray Mom when she turns around & isn't looking. (Hey, accidents happen!)