Can you guess what we did this weekend? We went with some of Mom & Dad's friends (Simona and Jeremiah) to eat pizza and go bowling. Not just the regular kind of bowling, this was the kind they call cosmic. They turned the lights off and had these cool neon lights and music going. Everything glows too! Including these shoes. Mom called the shoes a fungal greenhouse? Whatever that means??
This was the first time I'd ever been. Dad wanted to get the bumper lanes so he could beat Mom I think.
Jeremiah is a very cool guy. He danced a lot. So much that the people in the other lane were laughing at him. He also played monster trucks with me. Simona let me hug all over her all night (I may be 4 but I do have good taste!).
I learned several things:
1) Don't put your fingers in between the balls when they are coming back. They might get smashed.
2) You can't throw the bowling ball like a baseball.
3) If you kick your leg in the air, your oversize shoe may come flying off.
4) Standing with your knees slightly bent, doubled over and yelling "Go ball!" will make your ball knock more pins over.
5) Don't run. You'll slip and fall and almost crack your head on the floor and see stars for sure!
I learned several things:
1) Don't put your fingers in between the balls when they are coming back. They might get smashed.
2) You can't throw the bowling ball like a baseball.
3) If you kick your leg in the air, your oversize shoe may come flying off.
4) Standing with your knees slightly bent, doubled over and yelling "Go ball!" will make your ball knock more pins over.
5) Don't run. You'll slip and fall and almost crack your head on the floor and see stars for sure!