I took it upon myself to express my likes and dislikes and my biggest wishes (which included buying M&M's for breakfast ~ that didn't happen). But my suggestions were taken into consideration. So for dinner I picked out a box of Mac-N-Cheese, which is probably a staple for most kids my age, but I've never eaten it at home (not to say I haven't at school, because I eat anything there). Mom didn't fully believe I'd actually eat what I choose.

I also picked out cherry pop-tarts, some banana's, orange yogurt, peas and some mandarin oranges for future meals. But since I went to the trouble of carrying the Mac-N-Cheese box around the store, putting it on the belt for the cashier to ring up & then her putting it in my own sack, then escorting this box home ~ I insisted on eating it for dinner. Reluctanly Mom fixed it & I ate it! Surprise, Surprise.....what will it be next?