

Another first at our house tonight. I was Mom's big helper after school today at the grocery, because Dad had to work later than usual and she insisted we go to the store because she has this significant fear that if our icebox sits without milk for over a day I might perish! Seriously! So we hit Wal-Mart at rush time (5 p.m.), but it wasn't so bad. As a big helper you must take the items Mom hands you and place them gently in the cart (trying not to squish the bread or eggs). You also get to help puch the cart, which can make walking for Mom a little bit challenging.

I took it upon myself to express my likes and dislikes and my biggest wishes (which included buying M&M's for breakfast ~ that didn't happen). But my suggestions were taken into consideration. So for dinner I picked out a box of Mac-N-Cheese, which is probably a staple for most kids my age, but I've never eaten it at home (not to say I haven't at school, because I eat anything there). Mom didn't fully believe I'd actually eat what I choose.
I set out to prove her wrong once again.

I also picked out cherry pop-tarts, some banana's, orange yogurt, peas and some mandarin oranges for future meals. But since I went to the trouble of carrying the Mac-N-Cheese box around the store, putting it on the belt for the cashier to ring up & then her putting it in my own sack, then escorting this box home ~ I insisted on eating it for dinner. Reluctanly Mom fixed it & I ate it! Surprise, Surprise.....what will it be next?


We Have A Bat On Our House!

This morning Dad found a bat attached to our house right outside our sliding door. I'm assuming he's sleeping and he's been there all day. It really freaked Dad out, but Mom and I think it's cool. My Mama & Papa Vote have a bird nest on their front door inside a wreath. There were eggs that hatched and now there are babies in there!

First PB & J

Tuesday, April 18th was a monumental day for me and my parents. See I'm not much of a sandwich eater (at least not at home ~ I eat almost anything at school). The week before was somewhat exciting because I ate a few bites of a grilled cheese (by bribery) and some lasagna because I thought it was pizza.

While Mom was at a dinner for work, Dad gave me a choice of a grilled cheese or PB&J sandwich for dinner. I choose the PB&J. And then I ate it. All. Life has just gotten a little bit simpler for Mom and Dad.


New Rule

We have a new rule in our house:

Rule #687
NEVER upset a kid who has just put an entire peanut butter cracker in their mouth.

My parents! They live & learn!


Remember a few updates back, when I introduced you to my new wheels. The wheels I don't have to pedal? Today was absolutely beautiful and we got a chance to get outside. I did a few laps in the driveway. Mostly circles.

I let go and fell off the bike (while it was still moving) and that is when Mom insisted we put my helmet on. Otherwise our health insurance is going to drop us. Then, I kind of made too sharp of a turn and turned the bike over, falling on my elbow. It's fine. Just a small boo-boo. Nothing a Dora band-aid won't fix. Mom then insisted we put the elbow pads on that came with the helmet ~ she insisted there was probably a reason they packaged all that together.

Besides falling off & tipping it over, I also managed to run into our steps, Dad's van, the fence, Paul's bush and almost into Paul's garage.

So it's only April, I figure I've got at least 6 more months of riding ahead. I'm quite sure there will be an ER trip in the future. You think these wheels come off? I'll be the first kid to lose training wheels off a motorized motorcycle before I do my bicycle!




We spent a long weekend with Mom & Dad's friend, Mark, who lives here in the suburbs of Chicago. This was the first "vacation" we've taken together (just the 3 of us, not including visiting family) ever. We had a lot of fun.
You can check out the highlights below.

We went to a local park along a river. There was a playground and bridges. Dad and I liked watching the geese swim in the water.

There was a cool waterfall on the river.

Shedd Aquarium was my favorite part of the trip. They had so many tanks full of all kinds of neat fish and animals. I saw huge turtles, jellyfish that glow in the dark, a spotted eel, big sting rays, sharks, dolphins, purple sea horses, a fish that looked like Nemo, a fish that looked Dory, lizards, iquana's, too much to name...

Do you know what dolphins eat? SQUID!

Dad showed me how the dolphins swam under water.

Mom had been waiting a long time to visit the IKEA store. It was 3 floors tall and they had moving stairs that you go up or down and then put your shopping cart on it's own moving stairs. We actually had take her there twice!

But by the end of the weekend, we were all exhausted.

I was so exhausted my sheep & I crashed on Mark's couch and you couldn't wake me up. Although I didn't sleep all the way home in the car...I was too busy talking a mile a minute about all the aquarium animals I saw and everything I learned.

A BIG THANKS to Mark for letting us stay in his house and drive him crazy! I don't think he was prepared for life with a 3 year old. His niece, Aida, went with us to the aquarium and it was fun playing with her too.