Remember a few updates back, when I introduced you to my new wheels. The wheels I don't have to pedal? Today was absolutely beautiful and we got a chance to get outside. I did a few laps in the driveway. Mostly circles.

I let go and fell off the bike (while it was still moving) and that is when Mom insisted we put my helmet on. Otherwise our health insurance is going to drop us. Then, I kind of made too sharp of a turn and turned the bike over, falling on my elbow. It's fine. Just a small boo-boo. Nothing a Dora band-aid won't fix. Mom then insisted we put the elbow pads on that came with the helmet ~ she insisted there was probably a reason they packaged all that together.

Besides falling off & tipping it over, I also managed to run into our steps, Dad's van, the fence, Paul's bush and almost into Paul's garage.

So it's only April, I figure I've got at least 6 more months of riding ahead. I'm quite sure there will be an ER trip in the future. You think these wheels come off? I'll be the first kid to lose training wheels off a motorized motorcycle before I do my bicycle!