We went to a local park along a river. There was a playground and bridges. Dad and I liked watching the geese swim in the water.

There was a cool waterfall on the river.

Shedd Aquarium was my favorite part of the trip. They had so many tanks full of all kinds of neat fish and animals. I saw huge turtles, jellyfish that glow in the dark, a spotted eel, big sting rays, sharks, dolphins, purple sea horses, a fish that looked like Nemo, a fish that looked Dory, lizards, iquana's, too much to name...

Do you know what dolphins eat? SQUID!

Dad showed me how the dolphins swam under water.

Mom had been waiting a long time to visit the IKEA store. It was 3 floors tall and they had moving stairs that you go up or down and then put your shopping cart on it's own moving stairs. We actually had take her there twice!
But by the end of the weekend, we were all exhausted.

I was so exhausted my sheep & I crashed on Mark's couch and you couldn't wake me up. Although I didn't sleep all the way home in the car...I was too busy talking a mile a minute about all the aquarium animals I saw and everything I learned.
A BIG THANKS to Mark for letting us stay in his house and drive him crazy! I don't think he was prepared for life with a 3 year old. His niece, Aida, went with us to the aquarium and it was fun playing with her too.