

Ethan (aka "Bones")


Florida Doesn't Have Tractors

You don't have to be on the beach to play in the sand. Ethan mentioned to us this afternoon that, "We couldn't move to Florida because they didn't have any tractors on the beach there."

Good point.


Meet Hermie

I bet you all wonder what the tooth fairy left me for my front tooth. Well I actually got really lucky. There was a table of older women eating right behind us that night and they thought I was so cute they gave me $6!

Can you believe that? I'm now getting paid to smile :)

The tooth fairy left me $5 for my first tooth and 5 + 6 = 11. So how did I spend my $11?

Meet Hermie the Hermit Crab. My new pet.
Dad is surprised he's still alive after the ride from Florida to Indiana. But Hermie made it! Last week was letter "H" week at school, so I took Hermie for show & tell.

I haven't introduced Hermie to Parker yet...I'm not sure they'll be best buddies.


Tooth Fairy Is On Her Way...

Well it happened tonight. Ethan finally lost his tooth at dinner this evening as he was eating corn on the cob. Laban noticed a little blood on the corn & then we found the tooth sitting on his lap!

Here is a before picture from this morning on the beach:

Here is an after picture from dinner:


New Orleans

Live from the city of New Orleans:

We all loved the aquarium yesterday. It was very interactive and kid friendly. Ethan is excited to tell you about the shark he touched! We did a lot of walking along the riverfront and through the French Quarter. Needless to say we were in bed & asleep by 8 p.m. Next stop - Florida!


Field Trip To The Farm

I accompanied Ethan and his Pre-K class on a field trip this morning to a local farm. After spending the weekend with bronchitis and not leaving the house since Friday night, Ethan was more than ready to get out and run around. Here are some pictures:

(Notice how much taller Ethan is than his best buddy, Garrett, who is one week younger than Ethan!)


We're About To Be Broke!

Take a good look at this picture of Ethan - in particular his mouth.

Then read this pillow:
At 6:00 a.m. this morning (after working 15.5 hours at Life Choices Fall Festival booth yesterday - on my feet) Ethan came in to awake me with the news that his front tooth was loose. Only I did not comprehend what he said until I fully woke up later in the day.

It was when Aunt Lynn stopped by to get her chicken & dumplings (from the Fall Fest) and Ethan showed her how his tooth was wiggly that I fully understood.


The left top middle tooth is really wiggly! It was an emotional moment for me to realize he really isn't a little boy anymore. So many changes I'm not ready for.