
What Works Best

When the "pout" doesn't work, just try this.


Fall Soccer

Ethan played soccer this fall on a local team for Kindergarten through 2nd graders. He was the tallest kid on the team and the only Kindergarten aged player. So I think they expected him to have more skills then he really had. Plus, this was his first year to play this sport.

He did pretty well once he caught on to the rules and how exactly soccer is played. Sure there was the occasional kick the in the wrong direction and yes, he did enjoy chatting with the opposing team out on the field, but overall he had fun and that is what matters.

What's funny is that he is a really good kicker and runs around our yard with the neighbors kicking the soccer ball all day long. But once he's out on the field he's like a limp noodle with no energy! He says he doesn't like everyone yelling and carrying on along the sidelines. (I can't say that I blame him!)


Meet The Neighbors

I want to introduce you to Nicole. Chances are if you've talked to Ethan much in the past few months you've already heard this name a few times.

Nicole lives behind us and a little to the left. She is 5 and just started Kindergarten, but at a different Catholic school in town. She has 3 siblings and Ethan has enjoyed playing with them all...but he & Nicole are what you might call "tight."

It's adorable to watch her standing by the edge of our property waiting for him to come outside. They both do this when the other one is eating or otherwise occupied inside. Then they head to the clubhouse for "secret meetings."
They are quite the duo and it's fun to imagine what their relationship might be like ten years from now. As we were sitting on the back porch watching Ethan play with the neighbors last night Nate said to me, "This is exactly why we moved here." I agree.