

Turkey Day was great here! We did a lot of fun things. I had a special Thanksgiving lunch at school and mom came to eat with me. I also made a cool hat with special feathers and wore it all week at home. We put up our Christmas tree in the living room over the weekend and we also put my little tree up in my room. I helped put the decorations up "all by myself." I'll get pictures up soon. As for Turkey Day - Dad was in charge of cooking the turkey this year for our family dinner. He prepared by spending a lot of time getting this bird ready. Mom thought he was crazy to "marinate" a turkey, because she said he'd end up frying off all the seasoning or catch something on fire (which he didn't).

Dad was a little disappointed that the turkey ended up a little more "done" than he wanted, despite following the directions as to how long to fry it. He thought he'd ruined it, but it turned out to be very good. Everyone loved it! Even though it was a little crispy on the outside, it was very juicy on the inside. I think he's started a new family tradition for Thanksgiving - which probably means we'll be in charge of the turkey every year now - mom will love that.
By the way, I did help Dad in the kitchen. Everytime he wasn't looking I was touching the bird because it was wierd. Dad kept making me wash my hands everytime I touched it. I didn't understand because I can touch it when I eat at the dinner table....he tried to explain.

And someone gave us free tickets to the circus, so mom and MaMa took me. I got to ride a pony! It was a lot of fun going with them and eating popcorn. We watched animals and clowns run around. I hope we can go again next year.