1 year, 1 month, & 15 days later.....all 4 shutters are secured to the front of our house (thanks to several tubes of Liquid Nails). This has been the longest, most drawn-out project my parents have done yet. (Possibly because of Mom's nagging.) That includes when the genius's decided 3 months into my life to rip apart our entire first floor, leaving us to sleep in the basement for over a month!
Labor Day weekend really was "Labor" for Dad. He managed to put the other 2 1/2 shutters up, dig & bury pipe in the backyard from the house to the garage for electrical wires, and put the final finish on my dresser drawers. On top of his recent house duties of laundry, dishes, etc...while Mom's ankle has healed. All that & he still managed to get in a round of golf and be a great Daddy & husband. Mommy & I are very lucky.