The weather could not have been more beautiful for a 3-day weekend, but as luck would have it I woke up Saturday morning with a stuffy head and fever. Mom & I stayed home all day and watched Toy Story 3 times!! (She loves it & she knows it.) I'm pretty high maintenance when I'm sick. I needed my CARS pillow off my bed, my Buzz Lightyear blanket, my giraffe and my Buzz Lightyear cup with orange juice. Dad & Dude played golf - they couldn't resist due to the cooler weather. I felt better by the evening, but on Sunday I traded the congestion and fever for some cold sores on my face. Only this was more of a rash or something? It wasn't just around my lip, but on my chin, nose and cheek! Mom was putting some sort of "ointment" gooey stuff on me every two seconds all day long.
We still went up to visit Grandma & Grandpa Vote at New Harmony State Park where they were camping with friends. I took all my tractors and played in the dirt - what I do best outside! The friends they were camping with had a labrador that gave birth to 10 puppies that weekend @ the campground!!! So I got to see them and pet them. In my own words, "They are so cute!" But not cute enough for Mom to say I can have one. Not yet anyways....I'm working on her. I think I already have Dad on this one.
On Monday we worked outside almost all day. Dad dug a trench to bury some pipe from the house to the garage in our backyard - so you know what that meant - DIRT! Mom pulled weeds and cleaned windows. By that evening it was Mom & Dad who were congested.